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They are everywhere, I mean everywhere.

Tonka Jeep Limited

Within the past few weeks on my commute back home, I saw a restored 1950 Willys pick-up and just a day later, an entire family of five tooling around a restored 2A.

Last summer, while driving my 1943 Jeep to the post office and was approached by a guy claiming he had an original jack for my ride.  Oh sure I thought, every day a quick jaunt into town will provide an encounter with a man claiming to have one of the  harder to find pieces of Jeep jewelry. After reluctantly going to his home, fully expecting a bright green Nissan Stanza tire jack. To my surprise -- there it was -- with correct O.D. chipped paint and in fully working order. Funny thing, I drive past this place all the time, only to find out it was sourced locally at a garage sale. 

We've all traveled great distances to obtain vehicles and parts. But sometimes they are there in front of you. 

We'll talk more down the road.