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Tonka Jeep Limited


I was surprised and honored to appear on the MV cover but there are two backstories that a very are bittersweet for me.

The shot was taken at Kevin Kronlund's annual military vehicle and warbirds fly-in in northwest Wisconsin.  Kevin's collection of vintage military vehicles (Jeeps to many to count) was the largest in the world and he graciously shared his passion with friends and stranger alike. As many already know, a few weeks after this was shot was taken, Kevin tragically lost his life in a work accident. He was a good friend and great guy. I miss him and his events.

The second story too, is of friendships which spring up from this hobby and continue to this day. The guy in the passenger seat is my long time friend and fellow vintage Jeep owner, Rob L. He and I met at Louie's Willys Minneapolis almost twenty years ago, while standing at the counter. We still get together regularly for coffee and to talk some shop but more often talk about work and family. This hobby has created many lasting friendships with the nicest and most generous people I have met in my life. And in conclusion, those relationships are more special than appearing on any magazine cover. 

Here's to seeing more friends on the road and off the trails soon.